We were still with our friends to start Eliana's birthday and at their cozy home when She opened her 1st gift of the day. A Violet Dog!!!
Aspen was So excited Eliana got a Violet!!
Violet kisses!
I couldn't capture this moment very well...but I sure tried!! Eliana was over by herself just chomping away at cheerios....
We were in the car, headed to the convention center by 9:30 I think... Walked Brian in, got him all settled, then us girls walked over to the mall (Which is close, but not just a hop and a skip....) We got all settled in THE PERFECT sunshine filled corner, and started eating some breakfast. We hadn't been there a full minute, and Brian called and said we had to go get him some money and be back at his room since we failed to bring the check book... Now, I didn't feel like being a very good wife at this point. Praise God I have been working through an amazing devotion book that helped me fight my flesh on this one.... So, we packed back up, and started searching for an ATM...

It took a decent amount of time, but we found it, and turned in the money for Brian. The men at the recieving table were shocked that I brought him money -- they said A) "It's nice of you to get out so early on a cold morning with 2 little ones, to help your husband." then B) (once I said I was already around over at the mall) he looked up in disbelief and said, "wow, you're a good wife! My wife would've said you're on your own, get yourself out of you own mess." Now, I share this with you, not to pat myself on the back, but to encourage you wives out there. I had to FIGHT my flesh to not snap at Brian or be frustrated. There was not much if a single ounce that really wanted to leave our sunny spot and help him -- I'm sorry to say. But, the LORD helped me have a good attitude, and because of it, I was able to be a testimony to those men. So, ya'll pray my attitude gets better in such situations, and be encouraged that it's worth helping your husband in such situations. And, we had a great day because I didn't get grumpy over it! :) Win Win for everyone!
Our new spot at the convention center -- I didn't feel like walking over to the mall again, just to come back AGAIN. lol ;) The Girls had a blast running all around --- don't worry, we were in a very secluded corner.
After the workshop, we were able to meet up with Granny & PawPaw for lunch!
Eliana lovin' her lemon!
And her Snowflake Cookie
As we were finishing up lunch, we saw 'Uncle Greg'. Eliana kept looking at him, then at Pawpaw...then Uncle Greg stood next to PawPaw, and it REALLY confused her. She didn't know what to think. They have very similar builds and hair color, and I sincerely think she thought she was seeing double. We walked back to the convention center area together, and Eliana held Uncle Greg's hand the whole way. She NEVER does that -- she really thought he was her Pawpaw too.
We ended up back at the mall where Eliana opened her gifts from Granny & PawPaw.
Sweet Smiles!
We finally made it back home that night -- after church... We were tired and hungry so in honor of Eliana, we ordered pizza for dinner!
Nanny gave her a special gift too -- but I don't have a picture of it! :( Thank you for all who spoil(ed) our precious little girl! We thank the Lord for each of you, and Eliana as we celebrate her life!