Monday, September 26, 2011

Waterproof Mascara

I don't like waterproof mascara. It's takes way too much effort to get off...but, let me tell ya, when I face days and weeks like today, I thank the Lord for it! I almost bought a new tube of it when I ran into HEB for the necessities for this week - hose, eye shadow, deodorant and milk on Sunday, but prayed instead that the tube I had in the bottom of my makeup bag was A) still good, and B) not empty. :) Thankfully, I had enough for Sunday & Today. Lord willing, I'll have enough for tomorrow too. If I don't, there's NO doubt I'll have brownish/black rivers of salt water streaked down my face. Lol...

Okay, so I'm trying to make lite of my heavy heart. It's 10:15 p.m., nearly the end of a day I've dreaded for years, especially the last few. Although I knew the day was coming, I wasn't looking forward to it, nor ready for it. It was my PawPaw's visitation. Seeing his body, there in a beautifully crafted, wooden box, padded so perfectly, made the fact that I'll never see him wearing his khaki pants & "pink" polo wavy hello (or goodbye) from his front door. Reminded me that he won't be there to answer his phone on Tuesday, around 5 when I call him. Or keep me laughing and focused on the most important things in life. I love how I'd tell him to have a great evening, and his response was always, "I just did." So many memories, stories, quotes flooded my mind as I realized those are "just memories" longer reality. I stood there next to my pawpaw tonight, with my little family, thinking "this is it", Aspen's tired, unsure cry brought me back, and I realized it's up to Brian & I to teach her PawPaw's legacy... Daddy & Aunt Laura gathered our entire family together in a circle for prayer as we left the funeral home tonight. sweet it was, but how rough! PawPaw has always been there for family prayer...he established that (I think) in our grateful I am. Thank you Daddy for carrying that on for us!

My heart is heavy tonight as we go into tomorrow. Thank you for all your prayers. His grace has been sustaining each of us, NO doubt!!! We can all sense His presence & help. Please keep the prayers going! I'm sorry my thoughts are all scattered's from my heart...and just what's going through my mind. I praise the Lord that my PawPaw is with Him now, no longer lonely or anything!! The best part---I'll see PawPaw again!!! :D I'll miss him here on earth, but we'll be reunited one day! Until then...I'll just keep using my waterproof macara. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Love the waterproof mascara thing...I can so relate :) Continuing to pray and pray for you all! <3 Hugs!
