Thursday, November 17, 2011

Our!, there's lots of things I want to post about, but this is what I'm trying to figure out today.

This a staple and might as well be a family member in the McDonald Family - the Fred McDonald family. And, I'm sure there's a few of you reading this post whose spouse might of wanted this chair... To which, I do feel bad...y'all can come visit any time! :D For the rest of you who aren't "McDonald's", this chair was the one that was most often fought over at my Grandparents house. It rocks, kinda bounces a little, and is "fun" to sit it... many naps have been taken in it, by all of us, I am sure. I asked Paw Paw for this chair years ago, and he said to write my name on a piece of paper, and stick it to the chair on the underneath side. So, I did. And, everyone knew that was "Meagen's Chair." It was a fun joke between PawPaw & I, and I knew, one day I'd be bringing the chair to my home...I just never really wanted to, because that would mean that PawPaw wouldn't need it any more... I'd much rather have PawPaw than that chair. The extremely bittersweet day has come was the day I needed to get "my" chair. I hated it, but my parents made the best of it, having a fun time together as we picked up various items of PawPaw and Grandma's that are now mine & Brian's.

Okay...that's the sappy, sad part of this post that I cried myself through. Lol! On to the REAL purpose. So...I love this chair, but absolutely hate the color, etc... The burnt, dingy, dirty orange/brown color/style doesn't necessarily match my color scheme very well. (imagine!) I'd love to recover/refinish it, but, that's not in the budget right now. What can I do to make it "better"? Be specific...I know I could add pillows or something, but what size, shape, color, etc? :) Input is great! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Meagen!
    You might find refinishing a chair not too hard to do yourself. All it takes is some material and tacks. If that idea daunts you, you might try a piece of material, a blanket or a quilt larger than the chair. It can be draped for a temporary "fix", or tied with a ribbon, etc. at the corners/back for a more "stay put" alternative. I can't help you much on the color! Can't wait to see the finished product!
