Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Every Day Life...

Aspen just continues to grow. It's so fun watching and helping her along. Lately we've been busy, but just the "normal" everyday busyness. Here are a few snapshots of our little Brooks.

Aspen loves her dog, "nanas" better known as bananas, and just about any other food. She is catching onto sign language pretty good...not incredible, but gradually getting a few signs. Aspen has a way of wiggling out of all her shirts right now. If it's a onesie, she's fine, but anything else, she will either get one or both arms through the neck hole. She even got her arms out if a button up, except through the bottom instead if the top... Lol Silly Girl!

The other day Aspen surprised us...she was kinda fussy, trying to talk but just couldn't. She ended up pulled her diaper bag off the table, and looked at me "talking" until I opened it up. I pulled out a diaper and asked her if she wanted to be changed; instantly she walked to the rug, and laid down waiting for me. She was only wet, but sure knew what she wanted! :)

1 comment:

  1. My E like to unzip her Jammies and take them off if I don't get to her right away in the morning. Isn't it grand when they learn new things.

