Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Okay, I think everyone has now found out that we're expecting Baby Moreno #2, and if they haven't, then they can just keep following the blog and I'm sure they'll get it. :) I haven't updated in awhile to make sure everyone had a chance to read 'the big reveal'.  So, now to update you on everything I haven't updated you on. Let's see...This month has been pretty busy. And, right now, with my 'pregnancy brain', I'm struggling remembering everything we did, but I know we were booked! These last two weeks were killers, and this one is too, but in a different way. The pictures today are from last week....and hopefully the precious video of Aspen will turn out too. (The video is a few weeks old)

We went to a precious friend's house on Monday for lunch. This friend and 2 little one, the youngest around 9 months old. Aspen discovered his Jumperoo and climbed/fell into it. It was pretty funny; she was then stuck.

This following picture was take at my midwife appointment. Mrs. Natalie had a giant poster/stand  that Aspen discovered at the very end of my appointment. She kinda feel/plopped into the middle of it. I'd of posted the full picture, but I figured most of you could live without seeing the content of the poster. On a similar note... Baby Moreno is well on his/her way. We're now 13 1/2 weeks and getting  bigger. :) The heart rate sounded nice & strong. As we were listening to the precious, tiny heart beating rapidly, Aspen started swaying back and forth to 'the beat of it', like she does music. Too cute! 

After church Wednesday night, Brian stated he was hungry for a milkshake. I told him to get him one, thinking I could have a sip or two too. :) He decided to go get one 1/2 price since it was after 8 p.m. I was hoping he'd get vanilla, chocolate, strawberry...anything but Banana! Guess what he ordered?! Yep, Banana!   I had my sip, but, that was it. That was one way to not have to share, and to cut my calorie intake. :) (I came home and had my own ice cream though.) Anyway... Aspen saw the cup, and started saying,'more! more!', her current way of asking for something. Brian told her if she would say, "Daddy, Please" he would share with her. I was working with her, knowing she could say...I don't  think Brian realized she really could. Poor girl...she started doing almost every sign she knew to get it...Please, help, more...over and over. But, she just wasn't using her words. Finally, she gave up...then in the silence and darkness of the van, there was the most pitiful, 'Peas Dad-dy'. It was instant....that milkshake was in her hands and she was making it disappear!

This was just cute I thought. Aspen went and pulled her favorite blanket from her crib...then came to the kitchen where I was, and laid down.

August 14th was Mom Moreno & our nephew Ryler's Birthdays! Happy late birthday to ya'll! We also celebrated Dad Moreno's birthday, which was the week before. (Happy B-Day to you too!) I thought I had a good picture of the 3 birthday people, but evidently it's still on Brian's phone. Dad Moreno had purchased & brought marshmallow ice cream cones for all the grandkids. Aspen was the last to receive hers, and LOVED it.

Ryler was extra sweet and played with Aspen outside. I believe other cousins did too, but Ryler was the one I saw the most of outside...Brian took this picture...I parked myself at the kitchen table and didn't move very far the whole evening...

This video is our most precious right now. I really hope it'll turn out good enough for you to see and hear. You may need to turn your speaker volume up. A friend at church made Aspen a little kitten...there's a whole story in that itself, but we'll leave it at that for now. The kitten was given to Aspen at church, then this was on the way home. I started singing the "meow" song that Mom McDonald used to sing to me, then Aspen tried to copy it. Hope you can enjoy it...

I know there's lots I've not posted on, but that'll have to do til I remember everything I've forgotten. :) Hopefully, I'll post more regularly again now. 

1 comment:

  1. Love reading about your family. You daughter is gorgeous!! Can't wait to meet the new one!
