Thursday, June 30, 2011

Conejos....Home away from Home

"Home is where the heart is" and "Home away from home" are quotes coming to mind right now. It's the night before my family annual trek to CO. The car is probably loaded, everything is set out to grab & go by 4 in the morning. You're giddy and so excited that you can hardly sleep, but you're exhausted from the hectic packing day. Tomorrow Mama & Daddy along with Joshua, Rebekah & the girls will begin all our little annual traditions...shipley donuts, Starbucks frapps, probably subway for dinner, with fun snacky foods in the car, and I'm sure Mom will get her Code Red mountain dew. (her once a yr splurge) The next day will be driving, looking at the beauty, the walmart run to get groceries, but more importantly - fishing licenses!!! Mine is still in my wallet from last year. For the next week or two Caleb & I will probably, at some point each day think about this family vacation and imagine exactly where our family could be. It's such a special place...when you've gone there for many years, and it's special to several generations, it's kinda like going to home to grandma's house.....

It's bittersweet this year...Caleb & I will be home with our own families....truly where our hearts are now. I can't really speak for Caleb, but I'm sure he can relate to how I feel tonight. It's hard being left behind. It's TOTALLY worth it for our own families, and I honestly, wouldn't change it, but there's that tug in your a alarm is going off that it's vacation time. I don't really expect anyone to understand much of this......and I need to make sure everyone understands that anything I've said concerning Caleb is purely speculation....but, the reason I've brought him up.... He's my brother. He's always been there when I needed him most...after our car accident, he was there waiting for me...he was there in Romania for me...he's gotten more lures out of fishes mouths in CO and is always patient with me....the list goes on & on... Tonight, I wish Caleb & Becky could've gone and had a nice vacation...but, very, very selfishly, I'm glad he's here with me...we may not be together, or even really chat like I'd like, but I know he's here...I know he understands how I feel. Thank you Caleb, for being here, and loving me! You help me without even knowing it. I love you!

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