Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Last Weekend

(I need to preface this and say that I mean NO racist slamming or anything of the such in this post. :) I'm very proud to be married into a precious family who is originally (couple generations ago) from "south of the border." Because I've done so, my sweet husband & I laugh often about the variety of our personal races. )

Last weekend was pleasantly busy for us. Aspen enjoyed reading, and rocking her baby with Daddy. On Saturday, we were able to rest, but that evening Brian had a trumpet gig, so we all loaded up around 2:15 to make it to his location early. We got there SUPER early...thus, we did alot of driving up & down little streets in the surrounding area. We had two goals while driving A) find a gas station, and B) let Aspen nap. Brian wanted to find a Walmart to fill up fast we were looking. He spotted a Walmart/Murphy station a decent distance away...when we got closer, I made the comment, "Oh! It's a Mexican Walmart!" lol Brian thought I was crazy or something, but then he looked up at the actual Walmart building and saw what I was referring too. The building itself was crazy bold colors, and all the writing was in Spanish. We got a good laugh and thought it was "cute". Had no idea "they" actually made "Mexican" Walmarts. Lol! :) After filling up the car, I asked Brian if he felt as if he'd been to Mexico...he laughed. We headed back to the church where he played his trumpet beautifully for a wedding. Then he surprised us, and took us to Pei Wei for dinner. It was a fun family day.

Sunday was extra Special!! We were able to go to First Baptist Houston to see our friend, more like brother, Ruben Escobar be baptized. It was SO neat. The picture didn't turn out great, but you can kinda see him on the big screen. :) Praise the Lord! After that, we celebrated with Ruben, his mom and another sweet couple.

1 comment:

  1. How funny, who would have ever thought of a Mexican Wal-mart. You sure don't see those around here.

