Saturday, March 24, 2012

Spring Day

After the rain "blew" through this week, our weather has been beautiful!!!! Absolutely gorgeous. A bit warm at the peak of the day, but the pretty sunshine, and currently green grass makes up for it. Most afternoons, after naptime I've tried getting Aspen outside for a little bit. Some sweet band parents gave us a little playplace/slide last year for Aspen, and she's finally old enough to enjoy it. She loves climbing up and sliding down all by herself! In the second picture she was clapping "yay" for getting up there like such a big girl. Then, it was "yay" again once she landed on the grass. I'm so thankful for our sweet, little girl! She's continually a blessing & joy!

I had to giggle a bit this week. A sweet friend emailed me a picture of her front yard, and included a sarcastic comment about it technically being Spring. I so badly wanted to post her picture along side these; they're such opposites! Her yard & neighborhood was covered in a pretty, WHITE had snowed the morning she took the picture! The Lord's creativity in various climates amazes me!!! No snow here! And nothing close to it. We're going to pick strawberries on Tuesday! Crazy thought for you sweet northerners! :) I'll share my spring weather though - just come visit!!!! :D


  1. It's been in the 70's & 80's for this "northerner"! ;) Today it cooled down for the first time in about three weeks of "summer in March"! Love Aspen's pig tails btw :)

  2. Strawberries are a Summer fruit, not ready until June. It is 38 degrees here today and rain mixed with snow. This is Spring here. However, I can say I am looking forward to some sunshine and being able to play outside with the girls, but that is a Summer activity.

