Thursday, September 5, 2013

A Quiet Day...

There was a couple days recently, we actually spent the WHOLE day at home. That may be surprising to some of you, but -- we are quite busy over here, and it's pretty rare for us girls to actually be home all day. There were 2 reasons for this 1) It was rainy that day, and 2) Aspen very randomly ran a temp...the day these pictures were taken, she was 'normal', but we stayed home just to be safe.

Eliana content to play alone...and watch sister.

 At camp, Aunt Keri - as we refer to her :) - bought the girls a music/story cd. Aspen discovered it, and has LOVED listening to it ALL day, EVERY DAY. I'm looking forward to broadening her selection so I personally can have a variety...although, I really don't mind, because the music is fun, and helps teach what we are trying to engrain into our girls anyway.
Aspen went and got her 'Violet', sat down and was listening to her 'music', obviously, while reading a book too. I thought it was too cute...

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