Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Last week, my sweet little girl was sick. And, it took pretty much the whole week for her to feel better again. Last Thursday morning, she was feeling well enough to go and play in the backyard. I was in the kitchen, and she was playing on her outside play-place. (yes, we have an inside one too:)) I could hear & see her, and of course, popped my head out to check on her; plus, the door stayed open. At one point, I turned around to see Aspen's adorable little hand FULL of dirt/mulch mixture. She was just standing at the door looking inside, at the floor. Then, she throw that handful of dirt right inside, and scampered off for more. I told her "no", and swept it up. Then, I left the dust pan for her thinking, "she can put the dirt in there, and then she won't carry it to my kitchen." A few moments passed, then I turned back around, just in time to see Aspen bringing the dust pan, that had several handfuls of dirt, to the kitchen door, where she dumped it inside. Next, she decided it needed to be stomped on. It was one of those opportunities to teach, but in the long run, it really didn't matter if she did dump dirt in the kitchen.


  1. Dirt is the best. And knowing what to fight for is also a good thing. Sometimes you just have to let them make a mess for a bit, then work together to clean it up, singing all the time!

  2. That is cute. Craig says our girls have not gotten that dirty yet, I guess I need a pot of dirt by my back door too.
