Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Polanco (Moreno/Garcia) Graduation Party - Part 3

So...after the graduation party, we followed Mom & Dad Moreno, Kilyn, Abby & Brayden to M00dy GArdens for their summer fireworks. It was such a great 'show'! What wonderful memories we have of that day! During the fireworks, we began discussing possibly going to get something to eat..it was 9:20 or so in the evening. Kinda late for us with church the next day, but we were SO enjoying being all together, we decided to just keep it going. It was determined we'd go to MArio's for some yummy pizza. We all unloaded, and began walking in...Bear lead the way to be the gentleman to open the door, and us mama's followed up the rear, with Dad Moreno & the grandkids in the middle. Mom & I  were just a chatting - she was really talking to Eliana, commenting how beautiful she is, and that she was sleeping. Well...we were about 6 feet from the door, when we were chatting, and I began stepping over the cement parking block thingy, when I realized Mom hadn't seen it. :.( Poor Mom tripped over the crazy thing SO hard, it knocked both her shoes off...and the cement was no soft landing. Oh, I felt SOOO bad. I hate moments in time when you see something happening, and there's absolutely nothing one can do to help...there was no way I could catch or even break Mom's fall. (Deep Sigh....hated it!) Mom is so strong, and brave, and tough. It was along night, and continues to require recovery time, but she took the fall pretty good! In her words, and the doctor's, "she's a tough 'ole bird" and I would have to agree. I told Bear, I hope I can be as tough as Mom is... She hit that concrete SO hard - knees, arm, head -- and yet, she walked into her house later that night. The Lord was looking out, and protected the fall from being SO much worse. I hate to say 'only', because it's still major, and hard - but, Mom 'only' has a broken radius/arm/elbow. We suspect possible rib damage - bruised or broken, but nothing diagnosed. She has been very sore, and has some bruising...but she's smiling, and still her incredible self. (and by the time you read this, she'll be WAY better!!) After seeing another doctor - outside of the ER, we learned her arm has a hairline fracture and that she can being using it gradually already. She has a removable split, vs. a hard cast. (yay!) Praise God for not needing surgery!! This is definitely not an easy thing, and poor Mom (!), she having to cope with SO much right now....I am just so thankful it wasn't worse - and I know she is too. 

By now, we all know Aspen has a way of getting my camera and taking pictures. Well...this time, I saw it, almost stopped it, and decided to just leave her alone. I felt like it wasn't the time or place, but it was part of the day. I'm posting these pictures so you can see things from Aspen's perspective -- I feel bad posting them, because it wasn't Mom's 'finest moment', and she's sweet to allow me to share it with you. Just remember -- these are from Aspen. 

I would appreciate your continued prayer for Mom Moreno as she recovers. I know she would too.

Mom, I love you, and am so very thankful for you...and thankful 'you're a tough 'ole bird'... Thanks for being so strong for all of us -- in so many various ways. You continually teach me so very much... Keep getting all better...and thanks for letting me help out here & there. I've sincerely enjoyed each minute of it! 

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