Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Miss Aspen...

Well, my "little love" is growing!!! She's now officially 6 months old! Can you believe it?! I can't. She's growing super fast... On her 1/2 birthday she began sitting up by herself. In the first picture, she was sitting up & giggled so hard she fell back. The next two pictures are of Aspen playing with her kitchen-set for the first time. :)

Now that Aspen is 6 months, we're very gradually introducing solid foods. She's not real keen yet, but we're still working at it. :) The last few picture are the first times she had avocado and then a few days later oatmeal cereal. Tomorrow we're going to do rice cereal...hopefully she'll like that texture better than the oatmeal. Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. She is such a cutie! What a precious blessing from the Lord!
