First Family Picture - Wednesday Morning - Feb 13
WARNING - a bit long winded birth story to follow...if you don't want to know about actual labor, then just skip this post. :)
So...on Sunday, I noticed I had kinda been feeling like I did 2 days before Aspen was born - but, the thing that didn't line up with "maybe labor is coming", is the simple fact that I had totaled my car 2 days before Aspen was born - so....I honestly didn't think too much of it. Monday came, and Mom McDonald helped me run errands that had to be done...mainly buying last minute baby items, just incase little one decided to come early. Brian worked late that night, and I had the opportunity to seize some extra time with Aspen. After putting the laundry away, and taking a bath, I headed to bed, noticing my belly felt quite tight and uncomfortable - like it had all day...I made mental note, but also took note that baby was really high, even though I felt her low too. Off to bed I went...not sleeping much at all. I got up a few times as usual... I noticed at one point that I felt crampy, but didn't get too excited, and just tried to sleep. At 1:27 I took note that the 'crampy-ness' seemed to be happing every 5-7 minutes, and seemed to be getting worse. Off to the bathroom I went again, thinking perhaps that would help, at which time, I noticed some slight bloody show. Back to bed I went thinking, "when do I tell Brian?" He too couldn't sleep, but I also was thinking that I wanted a normal day to labor through, especially since I figured it'd be long like Aspen's. I waited at least an hour to tell him...and, I also wanted to really make sure 'this was it'. I convinced myself it was...told Brian, and still tried to sleep or rest, but to no avail. At 3 or maybe 3:30, I hit a point I couldn't stay in bed any more - I had to get up. The contractions were extremely intense, and were way more than I was anticipating at this point - as a doula, I was placing myself in Active Labor, but at the same time, I felt there was NO way I could be to that point yet. I walked around, and did various things to help and at 4:30 decided to text my midwife. (Brain actually did - since I couldn't at the time.) I also texted my Mom to head over for when Aspen woke up. Ms. Natalie headed our way, and I got in the shower, knowing the water would help. I stayed there as long as I could, but hot water only lasts so long. :) To my doula friends - I found myself in hands & knees position hoping that would help with the pain - it actually got worse, except when I added the pelvic rock, but that took more thought and energy. :) Natalie asked if she should send the assisting midwife over sooner since she was a whole hour away, and my response was "I don't know". At this point, I felt like I was in transition, but again thought maybe I was wimping out - I didn't want to alarm everyone when there wasn't anything serious. We figured out my contractions were 2-3 minutes apart, so Natalie did go ahead and send Christine - they all ended up arriving at the same time though. Mrs. Natalie told me to get in the tub as that would help - and I knew she was thinking possibly buy a little more time. :) I didn't tell her I had just used all my hot water - instead of getting in the tub, and instead of moving around to help things progress quicker (like I typically would have done) I just sat there on the bathroom floor...I had tried that crazy hands and knees positions one last time, and just never got back up off the floor. Upon the arrival the the midwives at 5:30, they took my vitals, and I did what they needed... Look back, they were kinda like ants running around trying to get everything done I hadn't had a chance to take care of yet - getting the bed made properly, setting everything for the birth out, finding various items in the kitchen, etc. Aspen woke up around 6, and pitifully stood at her gate looking at me now sitting on the love seat having a contraction... She left with Mom McDonald as soon as the diapers were out of the dryer - since I had started them right before going to bed the night before, and it takes 2 cycles to completely dry them. At 6:30, Ms. Natalie decided to 'check me' to figure out where we were at. After doing so she said, "Meagen, I don't feel any cervix. You can push this baby out whenever you feel like it." I laid on the bed almost laughing - and responded with, "You're kidding, right?!" I was shocked - I knew I felt like I was in transition, but in reality didn't think that could even be a possibility. Seriously, I'd only been in labor 4 hours... My midwives and Brian filled the tub up with nice warm water, and I laid there on the bed, until it was ready for me to get back into... I had lots of back pain, and my birth team apply back pressure during pretty much every contraction which REALLY helped!!! We think Eliana was a little 'cocked' in the birth canal, causing the extra back pain. From 6:30-8:30 I labored in and out of the tub...we walked around, did the stairs, did lunges on the stairs, drank lots of white grape juice, and went back to the tub... I tried different positions, and comfort measures to try to get Eliana to move down lower - I was completely dilated, but she was still pretty high thus no major urge to push or anything. With each contraction we did slowly get closer, it just took some time. Brian was a trooper, and was once again, wonderful support! He helped me so very much. There were some contractions I felt completely helpless, and just cried through them, but most of them the Lord gave INCREDIBLE strength and revealed His might to me. I was amazed at how He orchestrated just the perfect songs to play from the iPod playlist when I needed it the most. I was able to truly see His hand throughout nearly each of the contractions, and was brought to tears because of His grace in my life, even then. It was a really sweet time with the Lord, and no one else really knew about, but was happening. I think I'd go through the pain again, just to sense the Lord's sweet spirit there. Eliana did decide to move farther down, and even 'obeyed' after I talked with her and told her too... Sometime around 9:00 my water broke...I pushed with each contraction (there was one that I was over-whelmed and cried through instead of pushing), but with the guiding help of Ms. Natalie, and support from everyone, the pushing worked, and Eliana was born at 9:19. I praised the Lord, and was so relieved she was here. I was also shocked labor was so short!!! It seemed so strange that it was still 'early' in the morning.
The Lord blest our labor & delivery so very, very much. He protected me from tearing at all, and Eliana is just perfect. Her sweet little face was pretty swollen from birth, but that is normal, and it's gone down now. My midwives were wonderful, and husband incredible. The whole process was over, and we were headed to bed to rest by noon. I was amazed! Thank you to everyone who prayed that morning, or before hand, as I didn't have time to tell most of you I was even in labor. Thank you also for all the prayers for a quick recovery - the Lord is answering those too!
To my doula friends & students - any questions you have, feel free to ask - just be prepared for an honest answer. :) I'll tell you just about anything. I tried giving ya'll good details, but did leave some out. I don't think I was very clear, but I did have a waterbirth.
She all her muscle!! :)
The Best Midwife - Mrs. Natalie
Favorite Apprentice - Mrs. Chelsea
Favorite Assisting Midwife - Mrs. Chrisine