Friday, February 1, 2013

Deperate times calls for....Creativity!

Evidently....I have a lose cable that attaches to the battery in my van. I've been battling my van not wanting to start for a few weeks now. Car trouble doesn't usually faze me - especially when I know if I'm just patient enough, it'll start up. :D Which, is generally what happens. So...Aspen and I were having a very typical morning; we'd gotten up, had breakfast, & gone walking. After walking, we drove home and I decided we would run by the mailbox real fast to check it. I pulled up, jumped out, checked (and there wasn't ANYTHING!), jump backed in the van, turned the key and ---- nothing happened. Tried again, and nothing. So, as I've done periodically lately, I've just waited. Well...this time I waited & tried, waited & tried, waited & tried...texted Dad McDonald...and texted Brian. I wasn't stranded - I was at the end of my 'ally'. My dilemma was that I'd parked facing the wrong direction so I could jump out and b 5 feet from my mailbox...and, I was directly behind someones driveway. Thus, I didn't feel like I could just walk home and deal with the van later. Aspen was incredibly patient! But, the wiggles got the best of her, so out of the carseat she came...I told her she could play in the grass, and this is where her curiosity led her...

I didn't get a picture fast enough, but she did close the door all the way. I figure a 22 lb box would probably fit in there, so she would be okay too. :)

In case you're sweet husband came to my rescue and fixed it in just a couple seconds. I don't think it'll be an issue any more, but if it is, I know what to do. Yay! And, praise the Lord it wasn't anything major!!!

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