Tuesday, December 6, 2011

It's Christmas Time!!!

I couldn't get a great picture of Aspen earlier this evening, so, ya'll get to see all of them. :) She was so precious in her little peppermint dress.... Thank you God for my little blessing!

Tonight my Mom invited me to the Ladies Christmas Celebration at her church. The Pastor's Wife, Mrs. Tina hosted it in their home. It was such a sweet time visiting & seeing friends I don't get to see often...not to mention yummy food, esp dessert!!! Mrs. Becky Gonzalez shared a devotion with us all. She did a beautiful job, and it was so very clear how the Lord brought it all together for her. I was busy occupying "little miss", but a dear young lady helped me entertain her... During that time, I was able to listing intermittently to Mrs. Becky. She did a "visual" to go along with her share time. She decorated a Christmas tree, and had a Spiritual, mostly Scriptural backing for each point. It was all wonderful!, but the one that stood out to me the most, of that I grasped, was about the ornaments/gifts. Evidently, people used to hang gifts on the Christmas tree, just as we hang ornaments now. We were reminded to night, that our GREATEST gift was hung on a tree for us- for me- for you! Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, THE gift of all time...He gave His life for you, so you may live in Him! How humbling, and exciting that is! He gave his life, the greatest treasure He could give for us!! So, as you decorate your Christmas tree, or admire those pretty ornaments, or even walk through the store & see ornaments, remember, those are/can be a picture of THE gift, Christ Himself. Just as Christ crucifixion & death was very pretty (perse), His resurrection was glorious, His body whole & beautiful/alive. No longer marred, bruised, beaten & dead. In the same manor, the ornaments on your tree are pretty, probably shiny or glittery... And, some of you, your tree itself is alive, just as Christ is today. :)

(our tree, on the other hand..as a dear friend pointed out..yes, is artificial; plastic & aluminum. Lol But, it all still applies. :) and, for my sweet friend, ;) I've never had a "real" Christmas tree for a single Christmas I can remember...my brothers were allergic to them, and then my sweet Mother-in-love gave us her old one. :D)

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