Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ask Aspen

So, we are now over 18 weeks pregnant. At my last midwife appointment my midwife turned to me and said, "You're coming Saturday, right?" to which my reply was a blank face, quickly followed by, "what's Saturday?". Turns out she had scheduled me to have an ultrasound and failed to let me know. Not a big deal to me, it was flexible, and we didn't have anything that day anyway. Instead of having to wait til the last week in September to see black & white pictures/movie of our little Moreno, we were able to get a glimpse much earlier. :D

In a very brief nutshell... As I was getting ready that morning, I told Baby that I wanted to see his/her hands, feet, face, gender, heart, kidneys, etc... I encouraged him/her to not be afraid, but to just let us watch. :) I didn't really expect the Baby to listen/obey what I said/asked, but, I will say that I was put in my place. This little bundle did everything I asked! We instantly saw the feet, then later a single foot was stuck out and we saw the teeny tiny toes. We also saw the little hand and fingers...in a fist, then open... Cute little face, and mouth was moving - probably sucking. :) (No, not talking like a girl, to which I replied, "Brian can talk alot too!") :) And, yes, we got a clear shot of his/her gender. :) But, the deal is you have to ask Aspen. Our family members have called and asked Aspen and with some couching she would answer. Some people at church have been asking for a couple weeks now... Aunt Bekah called and asked, and even bribed Aspen...I'll post of picture of the reward Aspen received. :D  To make it a little easier for my blogging crowd, I'll post of video of me asking Aspen for you. :D I don't think you'll be able to view on i-devices, so best log onto your computer...let me know if you can't view it.


  1. What?! Congratulations! I just saw this and the video won't play!!! Noooooo! I'll just have to remain in suspense. lol

  2. Are you viewing on a mobile device or actual computer? It should work on a laptop or desktop. :) if not, let me know...I'll try emailing it to you.
