Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Like Father, Like Daughter

I tried a new chicken noodle soup recipe the other day. As I finished up my bowl, I looked over at Brian and saw this...

A couple seconds later, I looked over to my left, and saw this....

We were never allowed to do that growing up. I know better than to say something to my husband, but my daughter?! I wasn't sure...so, I decided this was a battle not worth fighting. So, unless she is company at someone's house, or as long as we don't have company, I suppose it's okay. I will apologize in advance though to any of you if she ever does this at your house... I'm sorry. I'll take the blame for this one.

Figured we might as well get a picture of them together. It is kinda cute... right Mom McDonald?? :D


  1. They would fit in fine in Japan! Slurping is encouraged! The louder the slurp the better the soup! Cute, for sure!

  2. Absolutely LOVE this!

    You can teach her there are things that are allowed at home that aren't in other places like jumping on the bed or the couch. She'll learn!
