Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Football Frenzy & Fashion

As many of you know, it is football season...and High School Football is big down here in Texas. As a band director, Brian is required to take his band to each football game. The band performs their UIL Marching Show during's good practice for the band as they will be going to competitions in October. Brian said sometime last year that football games are hosted simply for the band to perform, why else would the band be scheduled to play right in the middle of the game?! :) All my football cousins can now leave a comment disputing that. ;D Growing up in a band family, I attended LOTS of games...way too many to count. It's just part of life for, we I don't necessarily go to the games because I like football, but rather, for the simple reason, that if I ever want to see my husband (or Dad growing up) we had to go where he is. It is a fun time for the band to see us as a family, and is sightly more relaxed than other band performances. Now that we have a little family, Aspen & I trek to the home games too. Last week was our exception. It was Texas City (Brian's School) vs. Dickinson (Daddy's former school). We HAD to be there; and it was close. So off we went... 

Love hugs for Daddy upon finding him....

Trying to figure out how to get to Daddy

Looking over at Paw Paw's 'old' band

Back at Daddy

Up & Down, Up & Down, Up & Down...I've considered getting a sitter to come with me to chase my sweet little girl...but, it was good exercise for me. :)


Finally sitting still...Thank you Mr. Matt!

There aren't many occasions I make or purchase Aspen a specific outfit (one that she can only wear so many times), but football/marching season is the exception - for now anyway. Last year I made Aspen a little outfit with hairbows, thus setting the standard. In the spring, the Lord provided the cutest little dress at a consignment sale which I purchased with the intent to add some "School Spirit" and use it for this fall season. Texas City's school colors are black & orange, so off I went to Hobby Lobby to see what I could come up with. Mama McDonald helped me with picking some ribbon, and my cousin Kaleena helped me use that ribbon, and turn it into hairbows. (Thank you Mom & Kaleena!) Kaleena and I had a fun 'hairbow' day, but, sadly, neither of us took pictures...we were too busy wrapped up in ribbon, and keeping little hands out of the ribbon. :) Kaleena taught me how to make cute little bows, and I was quite pleased with how the Lord helped them turn out. The add-on's to Aspen's dress took me some time and lots of prayer, but the Lord pulled it together too. Friday night came, and Aspen seemed to like her special T.C. outfit...Daddy was all smiles for her. I look forward to her wearing it to the first home game this week...hopefully I'll have time to put Aspen's hair in pig-tails, thus using both bows, unlike this week when I ran out of time.