Friday, September 14, 2012

Helping Mama in the Kitchen

This post should have been before the last one, but I was too excited to put the football/band post up so this one was set back... The McDonald Family got together for Labor Day on the Saturday before. Each of us daughters pitched in to help make the meal complete. My contribution was twice baked potatoes. Due to my  hectic schedule on both Friday & Saturday, I needed to do as much as possible on Thursday. So, late Thursday afternoon, I got busy in the kitchen...only to be sweetly interrupted by my tired 'little love'. So, I carried the highchair over so Aspen could help Mommy cook. She was quite content to watch from her chair, providing she was able to sample frequently. (Who wouldn't be?!) 

At first, Aspen was a bit impatient and I didn't have anything mixed up yet...but she continued to beg, so...I gave her the only thing I had, some sour cream. Surprisingly, she enjoyed dipping her finger and licking it...kept her content for a little bit. Next, I gave her some cheese, then some bacon, and even some green onions, since she asked. Finally, I let her like the 'beaters' to Brian's old hand mixer. (I think this was only the second time I've ever used that mixer...I'm so spoiled with my Stand-mixer!) These pictures certainly aren't the best, especially with the sun shining through, but they're pictures nonetheless. 

Mmmmm...still needs something though Mommy...

At the moment, I can't remember what she was doing with her was super cute, then as I took the picture, she just put her hand up. Oh's still cute. I love how messy her face is. Daddy would probably  have a fit...I cleaned her up promptly thought! 

1 comment:

  1. I love Sandie in the first one. She totally wants a bite! The daddy in our house always has a fit when our face looks like too,but its OK once in a while. You are only little once. :)
