Sunday, January 20, 2013

Birthday Breakfast

My Birthday was January 4th...I am now officially old, and legal to drive the youth group kids around. :D (That was a whole big dilemma...that I wasn't old enough - according to insurance - to drive the kids...I'd worked SO hard to keep my age from the youth, and then drivers were needed for a scavenger order to eliminate the kids from driving each other around, the youth pastor stated that you had to be 25 or older to drive...I was going to wait til after class and appeal, thinking it wouldn't be an issue since we do help with the youth. But, my sweet, sweet husband raised his hand after the announcement and asked, "Does that mean Mrs. Moreno can't drive either?":) ...the youth pastor looked at me I sat, married for nearly 3 years, pregnant with baby #2, nanny to the youth pastor's daughter, and he's faced with the question of whether or not I can drive the youth around. You could probably of heard a pin drop as everyone was waiting for his response... He stuck to his original statement, thus eliminating me from being a driver...It was pretty comical. I think I could've loving slapped my husband though. ;D) So, now, I can officially be a driver to the youth group...I have a feeling I may regret it though... ;D

On my birthday, Aspen & I went to Mom & Dad McDonald's for breakfast. Mom spoiled us from the start. Us adults had blueberry cake donuts, while Aspen enjoyed her donut holes.

I absolutely love Promised Land Chocolate Milk - Midnight Chocolate. :) I only get it once or maybe twice a year...certainly a treat for me. Mama surprised me and picked some up on her way home from the donut shop. She was very thoughtful and bought the 2% kind to help slightly since I am watching what I eat for this pregnancy...I have to confess, the 2% was just as good as the whole.... :) Aspen had never had chocolate milk before...She wouldn't put her cup down after the first sip...but, the donut hole won out eventually. 

After breakfast, we ran some errands, then...Caleb & Becky were coming to Spring Creek BBQ for lunch, so we met them there. Then, Aunt Laura surprised us and popped in for a little visit too. That night, Brian and I had a sweet date night together - the best we've had in a long time, the first in a long time too. :D We had dinner at Fuddrucker's, then we ran all kinds of errands...We just enjoyed having time & freedom to be together. Such a wonderful ending to an extra special day.

Thank you to everyone who made my day extra special. All the cards, texts, phone calls, emails, thoughts & prayers were way more than I every expected. And if you're reading this and feel like you missed it, please don't feel or think that!!! There's no reason for you to remember my birthday!! :D

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