Monday, January 7, 2013

January 7th

Well, here I am's a week into this new year and I'm just now blogging. Some how I knew I wouldn't make it back before Christmas. Let's see if I can give you a very brief over view of our life since I last blogged....There have been 2 weddings (I was either in or was the coordinator), Christmas celebration with dear Friends, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's, Lots & Lots of extended family time, Birthdays, Trying Toddler Moments, Growing baby, and Incredible Answered prayers - personally & in the life of family members, and Up's & Down's. Lord willing, over the next week or so I can get you all up to speed with pictures!! :) Until then, my writing will just have to suffice. For tonight...I'm going to fast forward to real time, then I'll catch up in the next few blogs and wrap up December.

Sigh.......January 7th. So many thoughts, and memories. Today was my Grandpa's birthday - PawPaw McDonald. He always said I was older than him because my birthday was 3 days before his. ;) Somehow, I still think he was wrong... We've thought of him lots throughout this past holiday season, but January is the time I think of him most throughout the winter. We always celebrated our birthdays together...over the weekend we typically ended up with a McDonald Family Gathering for the January Birthdays...PawPaw, Daddy, and myself. I think the most memorable truly was my 21st & PawPaw's 80th. I should dig up some pictures from that, but won't tonight. I'll not continue to bore ya'll with my memories...but will wrap it up with this...I miss my PawPaw. I'm grateful he's with our Savior, and not having to deal with this wretched world any more, but I often find myself wishing he were still here. Still here to answer my phone call every Tuesday; here to remind me that 'this too shall pass'; here to make me laugh at the craziest things, and always remind me how much he loves me; here to tell me how the Lord is working in his life, or share a glimpse of the burdens of his heart. He'd be thrilled about 'baby girl' coming soon...and the new addition of twin boys to the McDonald clan. Yep, I miss my Paw Paw, but praise our Lord he is no longer lonely, or tired, or anything. He is at the feet of Jesus, praising HIS glorious name...doesn't get any better than that!

So, it's now January 8th. So much for posting on the 7th. I'm currently waiting for my precious little toddler to stay in her 'new' toddler bed and go to sleep. This is the 3rd night of battling the will to be up and play. Aspen did beautifully the first several nights, then Saturday night decided she could wake up in the middle of the night at play. It was 2 hrs that night, 3 last night, and we're going on 2 tonight. Thankfully, (I think) she woke up before we had even gotten into bed tonight...My prayer is that she goes to sleep, and stays asleep the rest of the night...she has been waking around 12 or 2 vs. 10... I'm praying, and if you read this tonight, perhaps you can pray too. If not, there's always tomorrow night, or the next, or the next. :) Brian very graciously has helped me tonight. I'm very thankful for him & his leadership. He hasn't been able to help the past few night due to back pain, but tonight he got us started on the right foot! :D I will say though....I got alot done last night between 2 & dishwasher was unloaded, kitchen cleaned, living room somewhat straightened, Brian's lunch packed....and, I had the bright idea to bring my laptop out & blog tonight! :)

Okay....I haven't heard my precious little one in several minutes, hopefully she's asleep. Time for this tired mommy to sign off and get some sleep for the other precious little girl...hopefully she'll decide to calm down and be still too! :) Sweet dreams!

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