Friday, August 26, 2011


Mom & Dad McDonald have been super busy this summer renovating their home...can you tell?! No more green carpet!!! Lol I'll have to take pictures of the kitchen & dining room...the change is amazing!!!

Anyway, I've been helping Mama this week re-organize her bookshelves...we're trying to make it decorative, but still serving it's original purpose. She has gotten rid of so many "friends" (books)!!! I think each of us kids have a banana box with our names and books in it. As I was working on the left side of the shelves, I turned around, and saw both Daddy & Aspen sound asleep. I thought it was so cute, and wished the picture had turned out clearer! Guess me organizing the books by height was boring!

1 comment:

  1. Lol love that pic! :) And WOW! The house sure looks different! So exciting!
